
Best Disability Insurance


Your greatest asset is your ability to work and earn an income.
When income stops, all other planning stops.


While it may be more fancy to talk about things like investments and all of the places you can put money, it is all wasted breath if the source of that money is eliminated.


When a disability occurs, sometimes a person may be able to last for several months, but eventually it leads to a systematic liquidation of assets in order to maintain living a lifestyle.



Income is the lifeblood of your cash flow.  Cash flow is the foundation of your financial house.  Cash flow allows you to build the fancy investments, savings vehicles, and wealth-building assets into your financial house.  If income is eliminated from cash flow, the foundation will erode and the financial house will crumble.  That is why it is important to also build a strong roof of protection over your financial house, protecting not only your assets but protecting your income.



Below is a diagram illustrating how income is the foundation of where all other planning begins.
