About Us

Best Disability Insurance

About Us


This site is dedicated to the improvement of the public’s education and knowledge in the specific area of disability insurance policies.  It’s contributors are current and former disability insurance specialists, currently and formerly disabled professionals, and advocates for disability awareness.


The intended purpose of this site is to educate on the probability, causes, and statistics of disability.  In addition, it is our intention to dissect and evaluate each of the top disability insurance carriers and their contracts.

It is our goal to lay to rest all of the myths, lies, misinformation, and misleading propaganda that is distributed by different carriers, different websites, and different salesmen.   The truth resides in the language of the contracts – the written and binding promises made by disability insurance companies, not in the spoken or advertised promises made.  Therefore, the focus of this website will revolve around specimen disability contracts.

This site will also attempt to provide answers to frequently asked questions, examples of real life stories, tips on evaluating and comparing companies to each other, and current and reputable articles in the news relating to disability insurance.


The overall objective is to get the public to take action to protect their most valuable asset – their incomes.  We will make the effort to provide the proper amount of information for the public to make their own well-educated and well-informed decisions on which carrier’s disability contract to choose.